Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Ohio Trip Part 2 (Cleveland)

While Mommy, Poppy, Sato, and Hisaeko spent a couple of days at Niagara Falls, I spent some time with Hatsuho's family in Cleveland. Pepper loved Hatsuho from the start and I think it was a good experience to hang out with "big sister" Clara too. And I completely fell in love with baby James.

This video is of Hatsuho playing with Pepper. Pepper has the most hilarious laugh.

Clara loves to help her mom bake.

Clara and Crickey bff forever.

Pepper and Clara.

Double cuteness in a stroller.


Pepper loves Hatsuho.


H.Cook said...

I like her crinkley-nose picture :)

*MiCh* said...

aww hatsuho and pepperrrr :) pepper has the..best...laugh!!!!!