Please excuse the skiwampus writing on this week's sign. I was trying to write it with one hand while holding a squirming baby in my other arm.
Our girl is officially 6 months old and super energetic. She loves to pull herself up to standing and trying to figure out the mechanics of crawling. She can roll over efficiently in any direction and sit up by herself. I haven't measured her recently but I know she's grown a bit because she's starting to grow out of clothes again. She's much better at playing with her toys now, can play "inai inai baa" (peek-a-boo), sit up really well in a shopping cart or a chair, and is really good at evading food she doesn't want to eat. When she gets really excited, which is frequent, she pumps her arms up and down really fast. She sticks her tongue out all the time. It is long and pointy like Josh's. She hates being left alone in a room.
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