Tuesday, September 21, 2010

28 Weeks Old

It's so hard not to fall behind. Just a few quick notes on 28 Weeks.

  • She is getting a little more serious... not as easily amused as before. But she still laughs really cute.
  • She can crawl around the room now... it's still a little awkward, but she's getting places.
  • She likes to pull stuff up over her head.
  • She likes to drum.
  • She can pull herself up to standing using anything, even a flat wall. Sometimes I will go to get her from her room and she'll be standing up in the crib.
  • She likes to eat anything.
  • Her "talking" sounds a lot more like talking. We're thinking about introducing a select few baby signs to communicate with.
  • She is still cuter than words can express.


Tomoko said...


Yukiko said...

she has pika pika eyes in these pics