Friday, September 24, 2010

29 Weeks Old

I really don't think a baby can get any cuter than this. Sorry to be one of those parents. But seriously, if you don't think your own kid is the cutest in the world, there's something wrong.

Some extra photos:
Pepper's new chair. We don't have enough room in our apartment for a high chair, and I've been wanting a hook-on baby chair because it reminds me of when we were kids. This one's great because it folds flat for easy portability.

She loves to eat dad's wallet.

Trying some of my zucchini bread which I've been addicted to lately. Too bad I used the last of our zucchini yesterday. Anyone want to give us some more?

OK so she likes to eat pretty much anything. Now that she can crawl she's been getting into the shoes a lot.

And the car keys, of course.

She's getting a lot stronger and faster at crawling. But she still likes to grab our hands to try and stand. She can give cute, soft high fives. I need to get her more books because she loves it when I read to her, and so far all we have is the Bright and Early Board Books version of Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You? by Dr. Seuss. Basically I just want all the Dr. Seuss books because they're the best. Thankfully, she's getting a lot better at keeping herself entertained for longer periods of time. She's a great baby.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Yay We Have a Nice Camera Again!

Snotty nose.

I ask Josh to watch Pepper and somehow she ends up with my toothbrush and a styled mohawk.

We had a ward social last week that was fun and yummy. Pepper was a big hit.

Pepper's first Cheeto.

Little tiny snot bubble.

28 Weeks Old

It's so hard not to fall behind. Just a few quick notes on 28 Weeks.

  • She is getting a little more serious... not as easily amused as before. But she still laughs really cute.
  • She can crawl around the room now... it's still a little awkward, but she's getting places.
  • She likes to pull stuff up over her head.
  • She likes to drum.
  • She can pull herself up to standing using anything, even a flat wall. Sometimes I will go to get her from her room and she'll be standing up in the crib.
  • She likes to eat anything.
  • Her "talking" sounds a lot more like talking. We're thinking about introducing a select few baby signs to communicate with.
  • She is still cuter than words can express.

Pepper Randomness

These are just a bunch of pictures and videos of Pepper we've collected over the past month. I wanted to get them up here before they got too outdated.

Mac Baby.

I think this outfit is funny because it makes her look like a purple grape.

Dancing with dad.

This is around when she first started pulling herself up to standing position.

One of her favorite games. She can be more accurate than this but she got a little too excited in this video.

Eating her toes. She's getting really into it.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Bouldering With the Blacks

A couple of weekends ago our friends the Black's came to visit from Las Vegas to do some bouldering with us (we ate dinner with them when Josh picked me up at the airport the previous week.) They have a little 10-month old named Isabelle so it was fun for Pepper too, to have someone close to her age to play with.

The location we chose was Moes Valley.

It was really pretty but hot.

Pepper fell asleep while playing with a shoelace. Pictured are my new climbing shoes. They have monkeys on them. I got them in kids' size 3.

Ann, who is 7 months pregnant, was a trooper, hanging out on the bouldering pad the whole time. I don't think I could have been that tolerant.

Back at our apartment, the babies learning to play together.

Sunday after church.

We went to the park on Sunday. This is Josh trying to teach Pepper what cold, rushing water is like. She didn't want anything to do with it.

She was absolutely fascinated with the mulch.

"To be, or not to be..."

Our little climber.

Still a little too young to be gentle...

...Pepper was holding her own though.