Saturday, October 23, 2010

32 and 33 Weeks Old

I'm still trying to catch up. Here's cute little Pepper's photos from the past 2 weeks.

Some notes:
  • She is going through a really needy phase. She always has to be clinging to some part of me. When I'm in the kitchen she climbs up my leg, then if I have to move (like from the stove to the sink) she cries and whines until she crawls two steps over and climbs up my leg again.
  • She is so good at clapping. It's definitely legit now. I'll clap, and she'll copy me.
  • I've caught her standing by herself a few more times.
  • When we hold her she likes to pat us on the back.
  • Her default mood is serious, but when she's happy, she makes this really cute scrunched-face smile and shows all her gums (no teeth yet.) I'll try to get a picture of it sometime.
  • She thinks Josh's phone is her phone.
  • We moved her up to size 2 diapers, even though she hasn't really grown. I figure you never know when she'll hit a growth spurt.
  • She is great at hanging on the pull-up bar. We're constantly amazed at how strong she is.
  • She has gotten cuddly again. So I guess we can forgive her for being so needy.
A few more pictures:

She would NOT let me get a diaper on her this day. She kept squirming and trying to crawl away so I finally gave in and let her run around naked for a while. She loved it.

Serious face. On the verge of glaring, I think.

Our big-eyed cutie.


H.Cook said...

Oh my gosh the butt pic is so cute! I need to get one of Janes!

Tomoko said...

Peppers butt pic looks like Q.P
doll! so cute!