Friday, July 23, 2010

20 Weeks Old

I'm sorry about the lack of video in the previous post. I tried uploading it at least 6 times, which took like 6 hours each time, and Google wouldn't let me upload it. I have no idea why. But I'm trying a different approach now (uploading to YouTube first, then embedding it on the blog) so check back on the "rolling over" post later because I haven't given up on that video. It's really cute.

Update: video has been posted!

Pepper is definitely not an "infant" anymore. She's a "baby." She has really good control of her head and hands and legs. She'll grab anything and stick it into her mouth. I think she likes to see how many fingers she can fit in her mouth at one time.

These pictures are from when I went to the park with Amanda and Cambrie and Ian. It was Pepper's second time on this swing. The last time she was on it she could hardly see over the rim. She's gotten a lot bigger. She gets really calm when she swings. But you can tell she likes it because every once in a while you'll see a little smile.

One of the bigger events to report this week is that she's started eating baby food. She didn't really like the mashed food very much, but Misti gave us some boxes of Gerber baby cereal and Pepper loves that stuff. She's gotten really good at opening her mouth and sucking everything off of the spoon. It is so cute. I've realized that we don't have enough bibs. Like, at all.

Her rolling over and scooting around is another milestone, I think. She's been rolling over randomly for a while now but now you can tell she does it deliberately. And she's gotten a lot faster at it. I think she'll be crawling really soon because she can get up into crawling position, on her hands and knees. She just needs to work out some kinks in her coordination.

Everything she does is so adorable. She has huge eyes, a huge mouth (especially when she smiles), a double chin, big fat rolls on her thighs, and a mohawk. I've never seen a cuter baby in my life.


Yukiko said...

Love the mohawk! And I'm glad that outfit fit her perfectly in time for summer!

Tomoko said...
