Friday, July 9, 2010

18 Weeks Old

Pepper has grown a ton from last week to this week. Her hand-eye coordination and strength is incredible. She can sit by herself for much longer periods of time now and can get her legs under her in crawling position. When we assist-walk her, she takes deliberate steps.

She loves to make sucking motions with her mouth all the time. She sucks on her upper lip, lower lip, and tongue. This is why she looks like she's making funny faces in some of the pictures.

She can play more and more games and her smile and laugh are as cute as ever.

She is learning the misery of having a stuffy nose. She hates it when I use the sucker thing to suck out her boogers.

She has these super mischievous looks and it makes me wonder what her personality will be like.

1 comment:

H.Cook said...

She has a huge mouth!