Thursday, July 29, 2010

Henderson Family Reunion!

As most of you already know, Caleb and Cassandra got to come back to the states for a visit in the middle of their Peace Corps service in Uganda, so everyone took this opportunity to get together and hang out with them. This was pretty much our last chance to see them before they come home around November of 2011. Even Heather and Majed and their kids drove up from Arizona to see them (despite a lot of adversity on the trip.)

This was the first time the entire Henderson clan has been together in the same place since Aaron and Amanda's wed
ding (I think... I wasn't even in the picture yet then.) So of course we had to take some pictures.

The chaos of having so many people in the same living room...

Starting to get situated for the group picture...

Almost there...

Success! This is the complete family, minus Mike, Billy, Kiysa, and Bubba. Pretty good.

And for fun, here's one of just Marti and her eight kids.

Lots more pictures to come, when I have time!!!

1 comment:

Tomoko said...

Marti looks happy with 8 kids.

Is Pepper youngest in the family?