Pepper seems to be trying to learn everything at once so every day is pretty exciting.
We actually have some official stats on her this week: she is 12 lbs 5 oz. and 23.5 inches long. So she's gotten a lot bigger since she was born! But she is still a little under the 5th percentile for height and weight. But apparently her height, weight, and head size are perfectly proportional, according to whoever it is that decides what normal is.
Her favorite thing to do is practice walking, which is really cute but back-breaking for us. She usually gets really upset if we put her down to practice crawling. If we try to sit her down, she will keep her legs straight because she wants to stand up so badly. She is always trying to grab your hand or finger to pull herself up to standing.
She is getting so good with her hands. She can now grab and hold things like phones. If she doesn't want to eat anymore of something she will push the spoon away with her hands.
She is a great eater and will eat anything, although you can tell how much she likes it by how widely and frequently she opens her mouth. She likes all fruits and vegetables, even the nasty ones like peas. She especially loves carrots and sweet potatoes. She's really good about opening her mouth for the nasty meats too, although she makes a face as she chews and swallows. She especially hates chicken.
She sleeps through the night pretty consistently now! I can't believe this day has finally come. She will frequently sleep from 10pm to 8am.
She fell off our big bed yesterday... oops. You'd think I'd learn by now not to put her on the bed by herself. But it's so tempting because she takes such long naps on our bed. Don't worry, she's just fine. I need to be more careful though.
She LOVES trees. She loves to be outside and spends most of the time looking up at the leaves. She also likes being in the grass.
Oh yeah, last week her newest trick was pushing against the back of the couch from sitting-down position and standing up by herself. She was very excited to discover this. Basically she is the best little girl ever.
The second picture is my favorite!
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