Thursday, August 26, 2010

25 Weeks Old

So I don't know if any of you remember how I got myself a sewing machine with some of our tax return money back in January, but I finally got it out and started sewing stuff. I tried making onesies out of some old shirts I don't wear anymore, and I think it was a success! The onesie Pepper is wearing below is my first prototype. I even made the bias tape out of an old pink shirt, it was such a pain in the butt. It's a little bit too big for her still, but I am pretty excited about it.

Pepper's new thing this week is she loves to do this spitting thing. Hence the drool marks down the front of her outfit. She thinks it's so funny.

She also loves when Josh makes popping noises with his mouth. She freaks out every time.

She is getting really good at using objects to pull herself up to standing position. She likes big toys for this reason.

Basically she is super high-energy, always wanting to walk all over us (literally and figuratively) and always kicking and moving.

Dangit, I had some really cute videos to add to this post but for some reason Blogger and YouTube keep failing to upload them today, and I've been trying all day long. So I'll have to post them later. Grr.


mich said...

pepper looks so excited and so happy :)!!!

Yukiko said...

When I saw the newer post right before this, I was going to say her onesie is so cute! I can't believe you made it, that's impressive. I think I remember that striped shirt now that I think about it.

Tomoko said...
