Surprise, it's a girl! Well, I was surprised anyway, I kept thinking it was going to be a boy! I guess my motherly instincts aren't super sharp yet. It is always fun to see the baby's heart beating and limbs moving around. We think she is pretty cute already.
Also I have been feeling her kick for quite a few weeks now. They are pretty hard kicks too, I can feel them on the outside. And I promise I'm showing now. I will have to get Josh to take some pictures. In the words of little 5-year old Aidan, "Whoa, you can really tell you're pregnant now!" Haha.
those are the BEST ultra sound pix I have seen (well, Katie had one that was so clear of her little boy)
But you can totally see this baby. Usually they aren't so clear. She IS going to be so cute. Well with such cute parents, she comes by it honestly.
ps try shining a flash light on your belly at about 26 weeks, she will be opening her eyes and might react. I read that on some webpage. I wish I could have known what they tell you nowadays on the internet.
wow she actually looks like a baby! crazy!
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