Wednesday, October 7, 2009

It's Aliiiiiive!

Medicaid finally came through and I was able to go to my first prenatal check-up today. I was SO nervous because I'm not really showing at all and haven't felt any movement down there yet, and still weigh less than I did before the pregnancy, so I was trying to prepare myself for the worst. But...

Everything's OK! I'm four months along and everything seems to be in order. We got to have a sneak peak ultrasound on an old machine that my CNM had and got to hear and see the baby's heart beating. Also the baby was moving its arms around. You can click on the picture to see it bigger. The top two are a side view with the baby facing downward (head on the left side) and its legs sticking straight up with its feet by its head. The last picture is a view from the top of its head. This is when we could see the arms moving around. Even though it was an old machine we could see the fingers and toes, spine, rib cage, and heart. It was cool.

So now we know that:
1. We are really pregnant.
2. We're not having twins :)
3. There are no extra mutated limbs.

We can't tell the gender yet but are scheduled to find that out in 3 weeks. Happy!


H.Cook said...

Yay! This is so exciting!

Nijiko said...


*MiCh* said...

YESSSSSS !!!!!!!! thats awesome :)