Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Bassinet and Guitar

This is Pepper holding herself up by chomping on the side of the bassinet.

Josh playing the guitar with Pepper.

He accidentally got his finger hammered at work.

Monday, June 28, 2010

More From Marti's Camera

I saw that Marti had these pictures on her camera so I had to steal them. These are from a random fun night we had last week with tons of family.

The dads with their babies.

Pizza and root beer floats.

Playing Twister, one of Cai's birthday presents.

Looks pretty tame at first...

Ian helping me spin.

Battle of the twins.

And this is unrelated, but this is what Marti's house is looking like on the outside these days. The outside has been redone and repainted. Finally, the original house and the add-on are the same color. It's making progress!

(here's what it used to look like:)

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Here are some pictures that Ethany took last week while I wasn't looking. I think some of them are pretty good.

We're living in an unfinished basement room at Josh's mom's place in Oak City for the summer so Josh can work for his brother Nate.

This is Josh's latest painting

She's a pretty good photographer for a 6-year-old, don't you think?

The Octopus

I forgot to post these videos with the last post. Here Pepper is demonstrating her mad upper-lip-sucking skills.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

16 Weeks Old

As you can see from the following pictures, Pepper is continuing to develop her cute and funny personality, as well as her appetite.

This one just might be my new favorite photo.

She is pooping in this picture.

I think she is starting to learn how to manipulate us. She fake-cries a lot and stops as soon as we give her attention. She is getting so strong and I can no longer count on her staying in one spot. Her favorite games are when Josh lifts her up and throws her on the bed, and when he flips her repeatedly from her face to her back and says "hi!" each time. She laughs hysterically. Seems like she's got some true Henderson blood in her. She sleeps face down. She likes to stare at herself in the mirror, blow bubbles, and suck on things, most recently her top lip. She's very talkative and loves to have "conversations." We love her a ton.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Josh's First Father's Day

As you can see from these pictures, Josh and Pepper are best buds. He makes her laugh all the time, it is so cute to watch. For some reason I can't get her to laugh yet, but she laughs for him every time.

For father's day I made a breakfast of French toast, bacon, and strawberries. His present was a new white shirt for church and some Twix bars. They handed out bags of cookies to all the fathers at church.

I always knew Josh would be an excellent father. He's so great with kids; all of the nieces and nephews love the crap out of him. He's so good at loving them unconditionally and helping them find confidence in themselves and is always willing to sacrifice time to help them learn new things and feel needed.

He is always so excited to see Pepper when he comes home from work, and she'll immediately light up when she sees him, even if she was just fussing for me moments before. Someday she'll see me as more than her food. Someday.

I am so grateful for Josh. He's an incredible example to me and I feel so lucky that we get to be such a happy family.

ALSO... Happy Father's Day to my dad, who is one of the most incredible people I know! I love you Poppy!