Monday, May 10, 2010

Drue's Birthday Party

Drue turned one on May 7. The weather was perfect so the party was moved outside. There were so many cute pictures I had a hard time narrowing them down.

I think Hayden made this sign...

I helped Jentry and her mom Julie make this apple-shaped cake. One of Drue's new favorite words is "aaaaaapple!"

Drue with her grandma (and our good friend) Kim.

Happy girl.

Uncle Hayden.


I spent most of the time... yup, breastfeeding.

Jentry is pretty.

Drue was really getting the hang of the paper-ripping thing.

She didn't really know what she was supposed to do with the cake at first.

She figured it out when they gave her a spoon.


Alyssha said...

drue is so cute but that makes me sad that we were not invited to her birthday party.

Happy Late Birthday Drue!

H.Cook said...

Good job with the apple cake! Drue is so cute and you're right, Jentry is very pretty :) I love the picture of Pepper wrapped up in the pink blanket.