Monday, May 31, 2010

Pretty in Pink

Here are some photos I shot of Pepper being pretty.

11 and 12 Weeks

She was not happy during her 11 week photo shoot...

She was crying during her 12 week one too, but this one turned out OK:

Sorry about the lack of posts. We've been to Arizona and back to visit Heather and her family, and to help out an elderly lady named Violetta Koszeghy who is trapped in an assisted living home that she hates... also we've been toying with a lot of different options for Josh's schooling... I think we've finally decided that we will still live in Cedar City for now though.

Pepper is doing really well. Her appetite is increasing as well as her size... she's almost 11 pounds and I don't know how long she is now but she is steadily growing out of her clothes.

She is mesmerized by her hands and spends a lot of time staring at them and using one hand to grab the other. She is getting pretty good at grabbing things we put in front of her face. She still loves to eat her hands and scratch her face.

She smiles really consistently now and Josh can make her laugh.

She's getting really strong and will probably be sitting up on her own soon. She can also stand pretty well if we hold her hands.

She has handled long car rides really well.

Monday, May 17, 2010

A Record

Our daughter has been asleep in the swing since approximately 3:00 this afternoon.

It is now 9:41.

Which I believe marks the longest period of time she has ever slept, nighttime or daytime.

And she's still going strong.

I took this opportunity to practice my photography skills. I tried the technique where you follow the moving subject with your camera, so that the subject is in focus and the surroundings are blurred.

She is so cute.

p.s. Don't worry, I just checked to make sure she's breathing. Everything looks good.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

10 Weeks Old

In case you didn't know yet, we have moved to Oak City for the summer. So between moving and other temporary changes in lifestyle, I've let myself fall really really far behind on my blogs. I'm sorry. I'm also sorry that I missed Pepper's 9 week mark.

So here are her 10 week photos. Our little girl has been increasingly fussy this past week, I don't know if it's just a phase or because we're in a new location or what but every time she's not eating, she's screaming and crying. So as you can see, she's not too enthralled about her 10 week photo shoot.

Sometimes, if you catch her in the right moment between screams, it actually looks like she's smiling. Don't let it fool you.

There's not a lot of new things to report about her, other than all the crying. She's definitely more aware... every time I walk into a new room with her, she's immediately looking around and checking everything out. I really really wish we'd had room for her swing in our car to bring to Oak City, but we didn't. I definitely have to grab it next time we're in Cedar. She also getting really good with her hands. She can grab the pacifier out of her mouth and sometimes even put it back in. She's also getting a lot better at sitting up.

She loves being held and bounced and since Josh and I are such pushovers, this means she is getting pretty spoiled. Plus all of her cousins LOVE holding her and kissing her and giving her attention. I figure it's better to be too loved than not loved enough :)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Drue's Birthday Party

Drue turned one on May 7. The weather was perfect so the party was moved outside. There were so many cute pictures I had a hard time narrowing them down.

I think Hayden made this sign...

I helped Jentry and her mom Julie make this apple-shaped cake. One of Drue's new favorite words is "aaaaaapple!"

Drue with her grandma (and our good friend) Kim.

Happy girl.

Uncle Hayden.


I spent most of the time... yup, breastfeeding.

Jentry is pretty.

Drue was really getting the hang of the paper-ripping thing.

She didn't really know what she was supposed to do with the cake at first.

She figured it out when they gave her a spoon.

Cambrie Turns One

Cambrie's first birthday was on April 28. We headed over to Aaron and Amanda's for a mini celebration.

Cambrie insisted on wearing her dad's black tank top for the occasion. (It's tied around her neck.)

Cambrie and Pepper.

The cake... Snickers flavor.

She knew exactly what to do with the cake.

Cute little monster. I think she liked it.