Monday, September 28, 2009

Josh Cooking!

Josh never really cares much about cooking, but yesterday he got excited about making some apple crisp. So here are some pictures of him cooking for evidence of this rare event.

The finished product!


Marti said...

looks yummy - how did it taste?

Annieofbluegables said...

with great successes like this, he may want to experiment some more. My hubby, the chemist just LOVES to experiment with cooking. He makes the BEST bread!

hmrickertsen said...

Obviously I don't follow blogs all that well, but congrats on the pregancy. Hopefully the vomitting ends soon, but if not , it's is a great excuse to get out of dishes and cooking. By the looks of it, you might already be headed that direction. Best of luck!

Gillian said...

I'm so happy to hear that you're expecting!! You are going to be the BEST MOM. And your baby will be beautiful. I'm really sorry to hear about your morning sickness. My sister-in-law always takes this anti-nausea drug that starts with a z, and it's worked really well for her...Zoloft? Or is that something totally different... anyway, I hope that you feel better soon. The end result is definitely worth it!

Gillian said...

Oh, yeah...zoloft is the depression one :-) A different z-drug.