Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Yukiko's Wedding

We went up north for Yukiko and Eric's wedding a couple of weekends ago and it was really fun to hang out with my whole family. I was feeling super nauseous and throwing everything up and was afraid that I wouldn't make it through the weekend, but Josh gave me a blessing before we went and not only did I survive, I managed to have a lot of fun.

This was also a good chance for Josh to play around with our new baby, a Nikon D40, so hope you like the pictures :)

OK so I'll be honest, a huge part of my excitement was being able to see my little niece, Clara, again. She is so stinkin' cute.

The happy couple.

The Seino sisters.

Yukiko is skinny and pretty.

The tables at the luncheon in the Joseph Smith Memorial Center. There was yummy salad with fruit, New York steak, and fruit tarts. I threw up everything though. I do not recommend throwing up steak, it is pretty nasty.

Me and Joshua at the reception at Wadley Farms, yay!

My parents.

Another cute one of Clara and some other little boy at the reception.

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