Friday, April 9, 2010

5 Weeks Old

Pepper has been growing out of her clothes like crazy. She no longer fits into any of her preemie clothes and most of her newborn clothes. I'm excited because her 0-3 month clothes are so cute. I've been waiting for her to grow into this strangely creepy but cute bunny outfit for a while, so I went on a crazy photo shoot with it. I took about a million of them and narrowed it down to, uh, these 25. Sorry, I know that's still kind of a lot to scroll through. Enjoy!

Pepper has had a bad bout of baby acne this past week, it's kind of sad :( But it's starting to scab over and fall off, so hopefully she'll have clear skin soon.

5 week notes:
  • she sleeps in her crib in her own room at night now.
  • she gets bathed once a week and she hates it.
  • she likes to be in sitting-up position.
  • she gets happy when Josh plays with her. She's working on her smile.


Kelsey said...

Sayaka! What a beautiful baby. Aren't they so fun? And precious? Mine is 11 months and he's totally not a baby any more and I'm feeling the baby itch. I just want to hold a newborn RIGHT NOW! I'm so excited for you guys!

Jesica Lindsay said...

What a little cutie! I can't wait to come over and hold her again, Daniel is sitting by me right now looking at the pictures and he keeps saying "look mommy, a baby, a cute baby, uh mommy, it's a cute baby!" it's so cute!