Friday, April 30, 2010

8 Weeks Old

Pepper turned 8 weeks old yesterday. She is so stinkin' cute we can hardly stand it.

She is starting to smile and laugh a lot and definitely seems more aware of what's going on around her.

We have to be pretty creative in getting her to sleep at night... no matter how soundly she seems to be sleeping, as soon as we put her in the crib she's wide awake again.

She loves getting her diaper changed. In fact the changing station seems to be her new favorite location. If only we could leave her to sleep in there... but she's starting to move around way too much to have that be a safe idea.

She doesn't mind baths now.

It's kind of a chore to wipe all the crud out of her chin folds constantly.

She seems to have poop blowouts only when Josh is holding her. Heh heh.

In other news:
  • Josh finished the semester with good grades, yay!
  • Josh is doing Japanese lessons with Rosetta Stone and has completely mastered the first lesson. His pronunciation is way good!
  • We got P90X... our goal this summer is to complete it (both workouts and nutritional plan) so hopefully we will be pretty ripped in a few months.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


This is an attempt to catch Pepper smiling, which she's been doing a lot of lately.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Random Videos

These aren't anything too exciting but the first one is of tummy time and the second one is of Pepper in her swing.

She is already pretty tired in this tummy time clip so she's not going to show you anything spectacular here. But aren't the spectacular moments always the ones that are hardest to catch on camera?

This is Pepper in her swing, which is one of the most awesome gifts I've gotten. As soon as I put her in it she calms down every time. Most of the time she'll even fall asleep for a few hours. She loves to look at the lights changing above her and the rotating sea creatures. Thanks Anna!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

7 Weeks Old

I decided to actually dress Pepper up like a little girl for her 7 week photo shoot. Enjoy!

(More pictures if you click the link below)

Dress is from Katie Huber, pants are from Felicia Christensen.

7 Week Notes:
  • Her fingernails grow like crazy and I have to trim them all the time because she keeps scratching her face (you can see some scabs in the pictures.) She hates getting her nails trimmed. Her toenails don't grow at all though.
  • She loves to look at the light and is always staring at windows.
  • She loves to be outside. Wind and sunlight don't seem to faze her.

(It's been mentioned to me that Blogger won't let some people post comments on this blog. I fiddled around with the comment moderation, so it might work now. Let me know if it's still problematic.)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Extra Pepper

Pepper had a few things to say today.

Holy cow, videos take forever to upload!

6 Weeks Old

(this is Sayaka posting under Josh's account.)

Pepper turned 6 weeks old last Thursday, April 15. She has gained 3 pounds since birth but we and probably a couple of inches but we still need to measure her again.

She loves to kick with her legs against anything, so I frequently find her several feet away from where I originally placed her.

Her smiling is getting more consistent and it's very cute.

She loves to be outside. The wind and sun don't seem to faze her at all.

Her acne has gotten a lot better. Now it's all coming off in a million dry flakes that I wipe off every day.

She loves being held by anybody.

We've moved her up to the next size up of diapers, even though they're still a little too big for her. We just fold them over to make them work.

Friday, April 9, 2010

5 Weeks Old

Pepper has been growing out of her clothes like crazy. She no longer fits into any of her preemie clothes and most of her newborn clothes. I'm excited because her 0-3 month clothes are so cute. I've been waiting for her to grow into this strangely creepy but cute bunny outfit for a while, so I went on a crazy photo shoot with it. I took about a million of them and narrowed it down to, uh, these 25. Sorry, I know that's still kind of a lot to scroll through. Enjoy!

Pepper has had a bad bout of baby acne this past week, it's kind of sad :( But it's starting to scab over and fall off, so hopefully she'll have clear skin soon.

5 week notes:
  • she sleeps in her crib in her own room at night now.
  • she gets bathed once a week and she hates it.
  • she likes to be in sitting-up position.
  • she gets happy when Josh plays with her. She's working on her smile.

Some Friends

Here are pictures of some of my friends I met up with while we were up north last week.

This is Steph, my MTC companion, and her 3 month old son, Zachary.

Me and Josh with Steph and her husband Matt. We all watched the Saturday afternoon session of General Conference together at Matt's parents' house. His mom made us pigs in a blanket and chocolate chip cookies.

My old roommates from BYU, Kelsey and Ashley and Ashley's one year old daughter Brooklynn, came to visit me while I was staying at Yukiko and Eric's. Kelsey just got married on the 20th of March.

Here are some random pictures of Pepper being cute sitting on Yukiko and Eric's love sack.