Friday, February 26, 2010

The Trailer 29 Blog, Finally!

OK you guys, it's here:

My new blog! It's obviously still in its beginning stages, but I'm pretty excited about it and hope you will all enjoy reading it. I'm hoping to gain a pretty large readership with this one, so please tell all your friends and continue to post comments and stuff. Hopefully there will be something for everyone there. (Food, books, words, obsessions, home improvement, DIY projects, etc.)

We'll still try to keep up with this blog, which is mostly meant for close friends and family. This one will have more personalized posts about what Josh and I are up to, as well as our offspring :)

Trailer 29 is meant to be a pretty public blog, so if you leave comments, I'd appreciate it if you left out certain pieces of information like our last name, baby's name, and city where we live.

Anyways, thanks for your support again. We love you guys.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


OK for the few of you who follow any of my other blogs you probably read recently that I'm getting rid of them so I can focus on a new blog that I'm going to actually work harder on.

I decided to keep "Can I Have a Tookie" around just for updates about me and Josh (and our soon-to-be-born-daughter), you know, just the kind of stuff that family and close friends would be interested in. This blog is meant just for you guys anyway.

My new blog will be for the general public and won't have very much personal information in it, mostly just updates about our trailer and some stuff about cooking and books and whatnot, I'll get it all organized soon. I'm probably going to call it "Trailer 29" so you guys can have that to look forward to soon.

We are really close to finally getting internet in our trailer, I think we're going to go with Infowest and hopefully it will get hooked up within the next week. So sorry about the lack of posts so far this year, but it WILL pick up soon, I promise. Not to mention I'm working on getting this new blog launched really soon too. I would love to have all of your support on that when it happens.