Friday, December 18, 2009


So most of you know that Josh and I are spending our Christmas break at my parent's house in Ohio. Since we live in Cedar City now, the Las Vegas airport is a lot closer than the Salt Lake City one. Our friend Royden kindly agreed to take us there, and he brought along his cute girl (space) friend (but not girlfriend, even though they would make a cute couple) Catelyn and we hung out on the strip for a little bit until our flight. This was my first time in Vegas (besides in the airport terminals) so we did a teeny bit of sightseeing and picture taking.

This is a random picture of the overhead concrete things in the parking garage. They all had tons of footprints all over them so we speculated about how they got there. Basically, they are proof that ninjas exist. And some of them wear heavy boots.

I think watching the Bellagio fountains was my favorite part. We were lucky enough to catch it just in time to see it "dancing" to Handel's Hallelujah Chorus. It was beautiful.

The Eiffel Tower! Haha, cheesy, I know.

This living statue guy was pretty cool.

He even let Josh sniff his armpit.

And this clown dude in a wheelchair was very entertaining.

Dangit, he closed his eyes.

We ate at P.F. Chang's which was delicious, but unfortunately I threw it all up at the airport, which was the first time I've thrown up in a couple of months :( The weather was really good so both of our flights went super smoothly (we had a stop in Memphis) and we arrived in Columbus right on time. And now we're in Ohio, getting spoiled by my parents! I hope everyone else has a smooth trip too, if you're traveling. Happy weekend before Christmas!


Yukiko said...

PREGNANT! You should get some coatless baby bump pics. Or i'll just see it in person I guess.

Hatsuho said...

i think it's funny you're holding your belly in all these pics!