Friday, December 18, 2009


So most of you know that Josh and I are spending our Christmas break at my parent's house in Ohio. Since we live in Cedar City now, the Las Vegas airport is a lot closer than the Salt Lake City one. Our friend Royden kindly agreed to take us there, and he brought along his cute girl (space) friend (but not girlfriend, even though they would make a cute couple) Catelyn and we hung out on the strip for a little bit until our flight. This was my first time in Vegas (besides in the airport terminals) so we did a teeny bit of sightseeing and picture taking.

This is a random picture of the overhead concrete things in the parking garage. They all had tons of footprints all over them so we speculated about how they got there. Basically, they are proof that ninjas exist. And some of them wear heavy boots.

I think watching the Bellagio fountains was my favorite part. We were lucky enough to catch it just in time to see it "dancing" to Handel's Hallelujah Chorus. It was beautiful.

The Eiffel Tower! Haha, cheesy, I know.

This living statue guy was pretty cool.

He even let Josh sniff his armpit.

And this clown dude in a wheelchair was very entertaining.

Dangit, he closed his eyes.

We ate at P.F. Chang's which was delicious, but unfortunately I threw it all up at the airport, which was the first time I've thrown up in a couple of months :( The weather was really good so both of our flights went super smoothly (we had a stop in Memphis) and we arrived in Columbus right on time. And now we're in Ohio, getting spoiled by my parents! I hope everyone else has a smooth trip too, if you're traveling. Happy weekend before Christmas!

Our New Home... After Pictures

Well we've finally got pictures of our new place! But first here are some pictures of when Nate, Anna, and Isaac came and helped out tremendously for a few days...

Note the disgusting brown walls and stained floor...

And green bathtub. Yuck. However, the bathroom walls are freshly painted blue in this picture. Josh painted the tub with white epoxy paint and we also got new fixtures for it, so it looks way better now. Here's the before and after side by side:

We haven't finished unpacking yet, so this room is still full of stuff, but this picture is just to show you that there's another room... and that door on the left leads to a half bathroom, which is still unfinished. But note the clean new wall color, ceiling paint, carpet, blinds, and trim :)

All the cabinets are clean and have a thick coat of new paint. Aaron also came and helped paint the ceiling and do the finish trim (you can see a little bit of it in the bottom right hand corner.)

These blinds were kinda pricey but I think they were worth it. Oh yeah, Aaron also "professionally" cleaned all the windows for us, inside and out. They were filthy. We are pretty spoiled to be related to so much skill :)

Josh did this flooring himself, doesn't it look gorgeous?

Thanks to Aaron and Amanda for the new dinner table!

We think the carpet guys did a great job.

This will be the baby's room.

Entering our bedroom... (there's really only room for our bed, haha.)

Pretty bed though, right? Josh made it himself.

Our bedroom has a bay window. We still need curtains for it.

New kitchen faucet, new (used) fridge! (Let's not ever think about that old fridge again... *shudder*)

Anyway, we are both very pleased with how it's turning out and both agree that it feels like home. Anyone who is ever headed to Cedar City, please come stop by and visit!

Thursday, December 10, 2009


So maybe I should always blog in Josh's classroom; this computer uploads pictures WAAAY faster than ours does!

The Sunday after Thanksgiving we all went over to Oak City to have another Thanksgiving dinner at Marti's house. It was absolutely delicious and a lot of fun. We didn't take as many pictures there, but I did round up all the kids afterwards to take a grandkids picture. I think a few of you might be interested in seeing them, so here they are! They are so cute. The only kids that are missing are Lia and Eli. Right now I believe Marti's grandkid count comes to about 19 kids. 

There isn't one picture where are all the kids are looking at the camera at the same time, so you can take your pick which one is your favorite.