Saturday, August 29, 2009


We are Redbox frequenters, and I thought I might share a few of the movies we've seen from there and give my two cents about them.

Lakeview Terrace

This was super suspenseful. I liked it quite a bit. The idea is fresh and the lines and scenes were never as predictable as I thought they were going to be. It's about a couple that moves in next to a crazy cop and even though they try to just be good neighbors at first, things get uglier and uglier. Although the couple's lack of good communication skills gets really frustrating sometimes, overall it was well-paced and entertaining.


This may have been my favorite of the movies listed here. I really like how they made a movie that attacks the issue of sex trafficking which is real and super serious and scary. Also, Liam Neeson played his role fantastically as the protective ex-government spy father. There is quite a bit of violence involved, but he never does more damage than he has to (I didn't think so anyway... see what you think) and you find yourself getting really immersed in the chase. It feels almost personal.

The Soloist

We both liked this movie, but maybe because we both love classical music. And cellos. For some people this movie may be too long and slow-moving. It addresses the issues of homelessness and mental illnesses and attacks the question, is it really "help" if you try to give someone medication and everything else they need to lead a more successful life, or should you let them choose a life of poverty and homelessness? The actors do a great job of presenting the issues in a gentle and realistic way.


I was a little nervous about renting this movie because from the previews I saw, I thought it was going to be too scary and creepy for me. However, trust me, there is nothing to worry about. Anne Hathaway gets asked to counsel some plane crash survivors and begins to suspect unnatural things. It's kind of a puzzle movie, although not the most memorable, but it does all right.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

This was another fresh, unique story. A baby is born with the physical attributes of an 80 year old, and ages younger and younger from there. There's a certain amount of "weird" to it, but the cinematography is beautiful and the transitions are smooth. It seemed like it should be really deep but I'm still not really sure what the real point was. Maybe that everyone is born to do different things.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Yukiko and Eric Sittin' in a Tree

This is my cute little sister Yukiko and her fiance, Eric, who are getting married in a few weeks. I just got their wedding invitation in the mail, yay for Eric's mom getting the right address! I stole these pictures from Stacey's blog at Brody Dezember Photography which I'm probably not really allowed to do, but oh well.

OK that's all for now.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Inspiration behind the Title

I wish that Sayaka would write all the posts because she's like a writer and stuff, but she said that I had to write stuff too. . .so anyways the title of our blog was inspired directly by the ultimate-cute-asking-style that Cai skillfully abuses and I say abuse because whoever he asks gets totally drawn in to nullifying-awe and then YOINK! his "just a yittle yiny piece" turned into half of your last ice-cream bar. So that's where the title came from now you know the history of it Yay!

Happy Birthday To Me

I guess a birthday post is fitting for the birth of a blog, and it was mine this past Sunday. I don't really feel like typing my age, although I can say it's less than 26 but more than 24... no more hints though. Maybe if my husband wasn't so young I wouldn't care so much (sorry about all the negatives.) By the way, my parents' anniversary is also on the same day, so happy anniversary to them!!! (29th, I believe?)

We mostly celebrated on Saturday. Josh made awesome pancakes for breakfast and then we were lazy all day long. For dinner we went to Ninja Restaurant where we had a hibachi chef perform and make our dinner. I wanted to take pictures of him doing cool tricks but then I would have felt like a huge dork (we were sharing the table with five other people.) He had us all try to catch pieces of chicken with our mouths. Josh caught his but mine landed on my forehead. At least we got a picture taken with my free tempura ice cream, yay us!

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Yeah, we're not super photogenic. No wonder we never take pictures.

On Sunday, Summer and her family came to visit and her girls helped me make spaghetti and meatballs for dinner.

Cute! (Sorry my picture taking skills suck, Ryann.) I made them do all the dirty work like mixing the meat with their hands and chopping onions, haha.

Thanks to everyone who sent birthday wishes and stuff. Love you guys.